1. Which of the following describe virtualization? A. Creates a platform for general use. C. Is software-based. B. Sit on top of the hardware. D. All of the answers are correct. 2. Which of the following is the most common type of virtualization? A. Storage C. Networking B. Virtual Machine D. Server 3. _____ virtualization off-loads processing to a remote computer and focuses on visual elements. A. Network C. Presentation B. Storage D. Server 4. This is when data is managed to allow the user-to-user change or access data without needing to know exactly where it is stored or what format it’s in. A. Data Virtualization C. Presentation B. Desktop Virtualization D. Server 5. This allows applications and servers to access information from storage systems without needing to know which physical or virtual device the data is stored on. A. Data Virtualization C. Server Virtualization B. Desktop Virtualization D. Storage Virtualization 6. The emulated equivalent of a computer system that runs on top of another system. A. Storage C. Networking B. Virtual Machine D. Cloud Computing 7. A type of virtualization wherein all the physical parts of the network, such as switches and routers, are pooled, and their resources can be allocated as needed to any user or device on the network. A. Data Virtualization C. Network Virtualization B. Desktop Virtualization D. Storage Virtualization 8. This is when more than one virtual server can be stored on one physical server. A. Server Virtualization C. Network Virtualization B. Desktop Virtualization D. Storage Virtualization 9. This is when an application is stored virtually on a server and then accessed by the user’s device through the server, instead of being installed directly on the device. A. Server Virtualization C. Network Virtualization B. Application Virtualization D. Storage Virtualization 10. commonly performed using hypervisors, particularly when the operating system installed on the user’s device is different than the one they want to use. A. Server Virtualization C. Network Virtualization B. Desktop Virtualization D. Storage Virtualization