What's new choose the picture which best answers the WH- Question. Write your answer on your answer sheet.​

Whats New Choose The Picture Which Best Answers The WH Question Write Your Answer On Your Answer Sheet class=

Sagot :

Factual Text

  • An Informational or Factual text is nonfiction writing, written with the intention of informing the reader about a specific topic. It is typically magazines, science found in or instruction history books, autobiographies and manuals.

  • Informational texts use special text features that allow the reader to easily find key information and understand the main topic. This is done by providing headers over certain sections, by placing important vocabulary in bold type, and by using visual representations with captions. These visual representations can be pictures or even infographics that include tables, diagrams, graphs, and charts. In some cases, the reader is provided with a table of contents or a glossary to assist them in finding the information easily.

  • Informative texts can be understood well by asking and answering Wh- questions. It is not just a key part of language development but also stimulates vocabulary development that is important in learning and social skills. The need to use Wh - questions often arises to request specific information. Wh - questions uses what, where, when, who, why, and how. We use Wh - question to get information. To better understand the Wh - questions.


~The Wh question WHO is being used when referring to or asking about people.

Like Example:

Who is the first presedent of the Philippines?

  • Emilio F. Aguinaldo is the 1st presedent of the Philippines.

~The Wh question WHERE is being used when asking about a place.

Like Example:

Where is location of death jose rizal?

  • The location Where jose rizal died was in Rizal Park, Manila.

~The Wh question WHEN is being used when asking about a certain date and / or time.

Like Example:

When did Emilio Aguinaldo die?

  • He died on February 6, 1964.

~The Wh question WHAT is being used when asking about an information or things.

Like Example:

What is the reason behind his death of Emilio Aguinaldo?

  • Emilio Aguinaldo died because of heart attack.

~The Wh question WHY is being used when asking for a reason.

Like for Example:

Why is Emilio Aguinaldo is known as a great leader?

  • Emilio F. Aguinaldo is a great leader because he led his country to achieve independence after fighting of the Spaniards.


  • WHO The Doctor?
  • WHERE The Farm?
  • WHEN The Calendar?
  • WHAT A Toy?

Note: My answer is just my opinion, Thanks!
