DIRECTIONS: Shade the circle corresponding to the letter of your answer in the answer sheet below. 1. It is a kind of material or text that brings relevant information together in an orderly way. A. linear B. nonlinear C. paragraph D. information 2. A graph that uses bars equal to the numbers they represent. A. pictograph B. bar graph C. line graph D. pie graph 3. It uses lines to connect the points/dots to show how something changes in value. A. pictograph B. bar graph C. line graph D. pie graph 4. It is the most common type of reading texts that must be read from beginning to end. A. linear B. nonlinear C. paragraph D. information 5. Pictures are used in this graph to represent a certain number indicated in a legend. A. pictograph B. bar graph C. line graph D. pie graph 6. It is a type of diagram used to show a step-by-step process or directions to be followed. A. flow chart B. bar graph C. pie graph D. nonlinear