ACTIVTY 2. TRUE OR FALSE, Write true if the statement is correct. Write false if the statement is incorrect 1. Folk dance refers to traditional dance of a given group of people 2. Folk dance is divided into regional, national and international 3. Cordillera dances are dances highly influenced by the Spaniards. 4. Rural Dances are best known and close to the Filipino heart, these dances are from the rural Christian lowlands that also lilustrates the fiesta spirit and demonstrate a love of life. 5. Ethnic or Tribal Dances are the dances of the cultural minorities that live in the hills and mountains throughout the Philippine Archipelago and considered as a basic part of their lives. 6. In the first position of the arms, both arms are raised overhead. 7. In the first position of the feet, heels are together and toes apart with an angle of 45 degrees. 8. Tinikling dance involves two people beating, tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the ground and against each other in coordination with one or more dancers who step over and in between the poles. 9. Tinikling dance originated in Zamboanga City. 10. Maglalatik, or Magbabao is a war dance depicting a fight between the Marcos and the Christians over the latik.