1. Choose the correct reference format for the following source that you retrieved from an online journal: Social Work and Research, 1995, Vol 68(2), 127-137 SSN: 1948-CCX DOI:10. 1037/swr'127. Student and the problem of Entitled. Jeffrey T. Swan Dennard Q. Rail Mary N. Bushcombe Universty of Georgia
A Swan J.T., Rail, D. Q., & Bushcombe M.N. (1995) Students and the problem of entitled Social Work and Research, 68(2), 127-137.
B. JT Swan D.Q Rail, & MN Bushcombe. (1995). Student and the problem of entitled Social Work and Research; 68(2), 127-137. ISSN: 1948-CCX doi:10.1037/sw/127
C. Bushcombe M.N. Rail, D.Q., & Swan, J.T (1995). Student and the problem od entitled. Social Work Research, 68(2). 127. doi:10.1037/swr 127
D. Swan J.I., Rail, D.Q. & Bushcombe, MN (1995). Student and the problem of entitled. Social Work and Research, 68(2), 127-137. doi:10.1037/swr 127
2. Look at the picture below. What connotative meaning does it suggest?
A. Cloudy B. Cold C. Gloomy D. Solitude
3. Which of the following sentences below uses a pronoun correctly?
A. Its up to the student. B. We talked to he and Rudy. C. Talked to Stephon and they before making a desicion. D. She did the report by herself.