14. What is the graph all about?
A. light
B. sound waves
C. speed of light
D. intensity of some sounds
15. Which sound has the highest intensity?
A thunder
C. leaves rustling
B. city traffic
D. rocket blasting off
16. Which sound has the lowest intensity?
A. thunder
C. leaves rusting
B. motorcycle
D. inside a library
17. If you combine the intensity level of whispering and motorcycle, what is the total intensity level of sound?
A. 50 dB
C. 200 dB
B. 120 dB
D. 100 dB
18. Why is it not safe to hear high intensity level of sound?
A. It can damage the ear drum.
C. It can make you healthy.
B. It can damage your eyesight.
D. all of the above
19. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. Sound cannot travel through air.
B. Light always travel in a straight line.
C. Sound travels faster in air than in solids.
D. Heat transfer through liquid is known as radiation.
20. Which of the following materials can be used to protect ourselves from excessive heat and light?
A. bracelet
B. head band
C. hat
D. perfume