ACTIVITY 2 Your Way, Your Say! Directions: Write 1-2 paragraphs about any of the given situations which interest you most. Choose one pattern of development in organizing your composition. Rubric Focus Organization Integration Convention 30% 25% 25% 20% Total 100% 1. Pattern of Development: Narration Write a narrative text about a time in your life when you experienced an emotion strongly. Try to give as much details as possible. 2. Pattern of Development: Description You are a writer of a travel magazine. The editor of the magazine asks you to write a travel article that tells about a beautiful place where one can spend a vacation. Your task is to write a three-paragraph descriptive article. 3. Pattern of Development: Definition You are a medicine student. You would like to write about the definition of a controversial medical term in your blog. The criteria in assessing your blog are its appeal to the readers, accuracy of information, and adherence to the style of format. 4. Pattern of Development: Classification You are a sales manager. A customer sent you an e-mail asking about the different types of products you sell. You need to respond to the e-mail indicating the classification of your products. Your message must contain the product's category and specific features. 5. Pattern of Development: Comparison and Contrast You are a film critic. You are to write a comparative review of two films of the same genre. Use the comparison and contrast pattern of text development in your review