: Examine the paragraphs below. Locate the topic sentence. If it is explicit, copy it on the blank. If it is implied/ implicit, create a topic sentence and write it on the blank.

1.After driving through a stretch of eerie darkness, the mansion at the end of the winding driveway is an illuminating sight. Lights spotlight the colonial façade and the brick walk leading to an open patio that fans out into the front door. A leaning tree shelters the edge of the patio.
On the right side of the wide foyer is the edge of the living room, a rectangular expanse under a high ceiling. The dining room runs until parallel to the entire length of the living room. This divides into conversation groupings furniture done in satin beige and peach with draperies to match. The thick rugs mute footsteps on the black marble floors.
Leticia Jimenez- Magsanoc, “Double Jeopardy,” Philippine Daily Inquirer
(September 26, 1987)

Topic Sentence:__________________________________________________

2.Proclaiming Ninoy a hero does not guarantee that the race will remember. But it should help. It should help that, as a hero, his life and deed are engraved in textbooks, relived in skits and songs, and taught in school. We need only to recall again the letter Jesus Luis de Leon- Borbon wrote here last month to see how vital- no, how desperate- this undertaking is. De Leon, a half-Spaniard, was looking at the statue of Isidro Torres in Malolos when a group of kids came over and began wondering ho Torres was. Surprised, De Leon volunteered that Torres was a hero who fought by the side of Gregorio del Pillar. “This del Pilar” said one of the kids, “ is he also one of the heroes?”
Conrado de Quiros, “Hero Worship” in There’s the Rub, Philippine Daily Inquiry
( August 20, 1993)
Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________

3.When she was teaching, she would relish the weekends for the endless tasks which she found to be done in her home. Clothes sorted, darned, set aside for renovation, and she, in close company with the sewing woman whom she hired for the day. The closets had to e cleared, the plants to be inspected, the unhealthy and the dying to be made well again, the lush and the flowering to be enjoyed. The kitchen to be given the week’s checkup, marketing, children and husband to be fussed over, enjoyed.
Lina Espina- Moore, “The Mansion” in A Lion in the House(1980)

Topic Sentence: __________________________________________________