What are the struggle in home during the pandemic? Give me 3 examples.

Sagot :


Parents Are Struggling to Provide for Their Families during the Pandemic

The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic threatens the health and well-being of families across the nation and is particularly consequential for the nation’s 77 million children ages 18 and under. 

Stress and Decision Making during the Pandemic

A new survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of the American Psychological Association found that stress levels are holding steady from recent years, and despite many struggles, U.S. adults retain a positive outlook. Most (70%) were confident that everything will work out after the coronavirus pandemic ends, and more than three-quarters (77%) said, all in all, they are faring well during the coronavirus pandemic.

All the Household-Name Companies That Have Filed for Bankruptcy Due to Coronavirus

Thousands of businesses have been driven to bankruptcy by the coronavirus, and you’ve likely never heard of most of them. But a handful of household names, many of them already struggling before the pandemic, are among the firms closing stores, laying off employees, and restructuring due the economic turmoil of the last few months. And while bankruptcy doesn’t often spell death for large companies, it can sometimes lead to liquidation of the business.