What dynamic markings do you see in the musical score?​

Sagot :


Name Letters Level

fortississimo fff very very loud

fortissimo ff. very loud

forte. f loud

mezzo-forte. mf average

mezzo-piano mp

piano. p. quiet

pianissimo pp. very quiet

pianississimo ppp very very quiet


the dynamics of a piece is the variation in loudness between notes or phrases. Dynamics are indicated by specific musical notation, often in some detail.

The two basic dynamic indications in music are:

p or piano, meaning "quiet".

f or forte, meaning "loud or strong".

More subtle degrees of loudness or softness are indicated by:

mp, standing for mezzo-piano, meaning "moderately quiet".

mf, standing for mezzo-forte, meaning "moderately loud".

più p, standing for più piano and meaning "more quiet".

più f, standing for più forte and meaning "more loud".

Use of up to three consecutive fs or ps is also common:

pp, standing for pianissimo and meaning "very quiet".

ff, standing for fortissimo and meaning "very loud".

ppp ("triple piano"), standing for pianississimo and meaning "very very quiet".

fff ("triple forte"), standing for fortississimo and meaning "very very loud".

pa brainliest

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