1 .It is a diagram showing the level of people’s needs.

social need

hierarchy of needs

esteem need

safety need

2 .These are the necessity of people like food, clothing, and shelter. *

social needs

safety needs

physiological needs


3. These needs are also important for survival but not as demanding as basic needs 

safety needs

social needs

esteem needs

physiological needs

4 .He is a well-known American psychologist who proposed the different levels of human needs.

Thomas Edison

Abraham Maslow

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Must Law

5 .The amount of interest to a given product that the consumers are willing to buy at a given price, at a given time. *




basic needs

6 .These include the need for belonging, love, affection, friendship, attachments, and families. *

social needs

esteem needs

safety needs

basic needs

7 .These are personal awareness and having less concern with the opinions of other. 

social needs

esteem needs

physiological needs

self-actualization needs

8 .These needs include personal worth, social recognition, and accomplishments. *

social needs

esteem needs

safety needs

basic needs

9 .These are goods or services that people desire or wish to have. *




esteem needs

10 .These are the things needed to survive such as food, water, air, sleep, clothing and shelter 



safety needs

physiological needs