First image:
Symbols used in the image: • Human head outline
• Lots of gears working together placed inside the human head
Interpretation: . Based on the placement of the gears it shows that in research, the human brain
is capable of relating different ideas. I think the gears symbolize different ideas that work together in formulating a single complex idea that could be of
help to society.
Second image:
Symbols used in the image:
• Jigsaw puzzles • Symbol of four persons working
. It can be assumed that the message the image wants to convey is that working
together will resolve problems. It can be assumed that the jigsaw puzzles are part of the solutions that can be used to the problem being solved using small ideas from different people. Most of the time, Big problems can be solves through collaboration.
solve a bigger problem. The Jigsaw Puzzle once connected will create a completed object - thus it symbolizes
Third image:
Symbols used in the image: . The word "INVESTIGATE"
• A magnifying glass Interpretation:
. From the image, a magnifying glass usually means to search for clues. I believe the message this image wants to convey is that reaserch involves a lot of investigation and finding for clues in order to solve the research problem.
Fourth image:
Symbols used in the image:
• Two though bubbles (one black and one
white) • Two groups of people (one black and one white)
• From the image, there is a thought bubble placed per group of people. This means that these people are
collaborating with each other. The color
symbolizes two different ideas coming from different groups. This image shows us that Ideas are unique among a group of people.
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