Factors Affecting Students Think that Home Economics is an Easy and Alternative Strand for an Average Learners

I strongly believe that home economics has an extremely important place in our educational system today. No other academic discipline incorporates in its curriculum as many pertinent life skills that will help students succeed independent of their chosen career paths. Referring back to past studies and my own personal beliefs, I hope to help the reader understand the benefits of receiving an education in home economics and how the knowledge obtained through this program will prove valuable throughout the lifespan.
In my opinion, the most important aspect of a home economics education is that students not only learn about subject matter that has relevance to their present lives, but will constantly be of use as they continue to grow. One area of home economics that is considered to be among the most essential is the emphasis on personal development, decision making and intrapersonal skills. According to a study done in Japan, students’ personal initiatives play an extremely large role in determining how they’ll react to their changing work situations (1). Those who lack the ability to make effective personal decisions are more at risk for experiencing hardships in the instabilities found in the real world. It was also found in the study that students do not feel they have the proper means to learn these valuable life skills at home (1). Taking courses in home economics at school allows students to acquire the necessary decision making, social, and communications skills deemed critical for occupational success.