9. Which one is the use of sound energy? A. It is used in navigation, C. It is used to dry clothes. B. It is used to run appliances. D. It is used to cook dishes.
10. Which one is the use of sound energy? A. It is used in navigation. C. It is used to dry clothes. B. It is used to run appliances. D. It is used to cook dishes. 11. Which of the following shows the use of electrical energy? A. It promotes good health. B. It is used in treating illnesses. C. It helps plants manufacture their own food. D. It supplies energy to the homes, offices, and industries.
12. Which of the following is NOT the use of sound energy? A. Sound helps track earthquakes. B. Sound is used to see internal organs. C. Sound is used to generate electricity. D. Sound is used to map the ocean floor.
13. Which of the following shows the use of electrical energy? A. It promotes good health. B. It is used in treating illnesses. C. It helps plants manufacture their own food. D. It supplies energy to the homes, offices, and industries.
14. Which of the following is NOT the use of radiant energy? A. It is used in communication. B. It is used in food-making in plants. C. It is used for drying and heating the earth. D. It gives light and color to the surroundings.​