1. Wave motion that is parallel to the wave direction is described as wave. A. Transverse wave B. Longitudinal wave C Electromagnetic wave D. Mechanical wave wave. 2. Wave motion that is perpendicular to wave direction describes a A. Transverse itwave B. Longitudinal wave C. Electromagnetic wave D. Mechanical wave 3. What type of wave does not need a medium to travel? A. Transverse wave B. Longitudinal wave C. Electromagnetic wave D. Mechanical wave 4.How does longitudinal wave propagate? A.Up and down B. Left and down C. Forward and back D. Perpendicular to the motion 5. Turning on a car light can produce Electromagnetic wave? This statement is A. True B. False C. A and B are correct D. None of the above 6. Which of the following is not correct about waves? A. Waves carry energy from place to place but the particles do not move with B. Waves can be classified as either electromagnetic or mechanical C. Waves have the capacity to transmit messages D. Waves transfer particles (matter )and energy