referring to the media tree below, come up your own etiquette rules discuss their positive outcome in two to three sentences​

Referring To The Media Tree Below Come Up Your Own Etiquette Rules Discuss Their Positive Outcome In Two To Three Sentences class=

Sagot :


  1. Make Real People a Priority
  2. -If someone is trying to talk to you when on your cell phone, tablet, or computer, stop what you are doing and look at them.
  3. Share With Discretion. -Don't sext naked pictures or post drunk pictures, drug use pictures, or other statements about your private life online.
  4. Use Respectful Language. -Using any sort of verbal abuse online can get you banned from your social groups. At a minimum, your remarks will likely be removed as one in three online comments are rejected by page moderators.
  5. Respect People's Privacy -Don't forward information sent to you without checking with the original sender first as doing this behind their back can create mistrust if they find out.
  6. Update Online Information -If you are going to be unavailable, for example, don't leave your hours of operation online indicating you will be available. If you can't keep your website up to date, take it down.