what can you do that will show God’s love and will help others

Sagot :

-Smile and respond positively to everyone you come in contact with.

-The next time you go out to eat, leave a great tip with a note that says Jesus loves you.

-Offer to help a neighbor with their yard work.

-Steer conversations away from negativity, racism, and prejudice – encouraging a more positive topic.

-As a family, pray for a different person every night – including family, friends, and acquaintances.

-Try to befriend someone who you know has few friends.

-Anonymously leave a bag of groceries on someone’s front step with a thoughtful note or Bible verse.

-Start every morning with a prayer asking God to bring someone into your life whom you can impact that day.

-Have a conversation with a homeless person. If you want to feed him lunch, great -but that’s not the goal. The goal is to learn his story and truly listen to him.

-Pay for someone in line behind you at a fast food restaurant, grocery store, or toll plaza, and then, pay for their meal. (I love doing this at a drive through, and I give the drive through worker a little card I printed up This Meals On Us! It goes on to say, “It’s our simple way of saying that God loves you. You can pick up some of these cards in the church foyer.

-Write a letter telling someone how much you appreciate something that they did for you - either recently or many years ago.

-Deliberately compliment each one of your family members every single day.





Love your neighbor as you love yourself.


This is the second greatest commandments of God. If you show love to your neighbors, it is God whom you love and it pleases him as well if you care and help your neighbors.

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