5. Which of the following families of elements include the most active metals in the periodic table?
A. group 2, the alkaline earth metals
B. group 1, the alkali metals
C. group 18, the noble gases
D. group 17, the halogens

6. The vertical columns of the periodic table called _____, identify the principal families of elements.
A. groups
B. periods
C. noble gases
D. actinides

7. Elements found in group 3 to group 12 constitutes the d-block in the periodic table and are referred to as _____.
A. representative elements
B. transition elements
C. lanthanides and actinides
D. inner transition elements

8. in which group of elements do the lanthanides and actinides belong to?
A. s-block
B. p-block
C. d-block
D. f-block

9. Who is the scientist who devised the periodic table of elements being used now and who made further experiments that led to the statement of the modern periodic law?
A. Johann Dobereiner
B. Henry Moseley
C. Mendeleev & Meyer
D. John Newlands

10 The ease and speed with which a metal react with another substance is called its _____.
A. corrosion
B. conductivity
C. reactivity
D. malleability

12. Sodium, magnesium, aluminum, and silicon are elements arranged consecutively from left to right of the periodic table and are all located in period 3. Which of the given elements has the most metallic character?
A. sodium
B. magnesium
C. aluminum
D. silicon