1. These are variables with values that describes a measurable numerical quantity and answer the questions "how many" or "how much."
A. Categorical
B. Continuous
C. Nominal
D. Numeric

2. These variables are usually manipulated in an experiment research. A. Dependent
B. Independent
C. Ordinal
D. Numeric

3. Its purpose is to introduce the research problem, clarify important variables, discuss its delimitations and specify its significance to the field of the study.
A. Literature Review
B. Methodology
C. Recommendations
D. The Problem and Its Scope

4. Which of the following is not included in making the Introduction.
A. Rationale of the research problem.
B. Setting of the research problem
C. Summary of findings
D. Overall purpose of the research

5. It is defined as a pattern, model or a set forms which contains particular elements. It is the researcher's scientific imagination expressed graphically by drawings or sicetches.
A. Illustrative Designs
B. Paradigm
C. Schematic
D. Statistical Diagram

6.This model is used when relating and assessing the influence between two or more variables. Studies that focus on relationships, associations and differences and impacts will benefit from this model.
A. IPO model
B.PC Model
C.-P Model
D. POM Model

7. It is a tentative prediction about the relationship between two or more variables in a population under study. A. Rationale
B. Variables
C Problem
D. Hypothesis

8. It is a hypothesis that is always expressed as a negative statement.
A. Complex
B. Directional
C. Null
D. Simple

9. It is a hypothesis formulated when predicting a relationship between independent variable and a dependent variable.
A. Complex
B. Directional
C Null
D. Simple

10. In this section, the researcher should be able to state the main or general problem followed by the specific problems,
A. Definition of Terms
B. Scope and Limitation
C. Significance of the Problem
D. Statement of the Problem

11. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Do not mention the respondents.
B. The title is written in a statement form.
C. Include the major variables of the study.
D. In formulating the title, the researcher should avoid using words that serve no useful purposes and can mislead indexers

12. It is a formal statement predicting a single research outcome, a tentative explanation between two or more variables.
A. Hypothesis
B. Literature.
C. Recommendation
D. Variable

13. It is important in establishing the cognitive setting of the research and it involves discussing why there is a need to study the problem, clarifying the important terminologies and establishing the degree of seriousness of the problem.
A. Discussion and Results
B. Introduction
C. Literature Review
D. Methodology

14. It means the beneficiaries of the study.
A. Those who receive funds to start a research.
B. Those who give information for a research study,
C. Those who will be affected by the study done.
D. all of the above

15. These are the variables with the values that describe a quality or characteristic of a data unit like "what type" or "what category."
A. Categorical
B. Dichotomous
C. Nominal
D. Numeric