WRITE IT DOVWN! Write your story or someone's experience where prejudice or biasness is evident and how you/he/she overcame it.

Sagot :

Title: When I became a brother/sister


When I was still my parents only son, i enjoyed life because they care for me, they play with me, and they also loved me. There were times that we would go out and go eat at the restaurant, go at the park, and of course buys us some stuff. When months past, my Mom got pregnant, then i became happy because I'm having a little brother/sister. Then weeks past by, the baby came out. After years past bye, He/she grew and i became a brother/sister. And i became jealous, because my parents spend more time on the baby than me, I said to my-self "why don't they care about me, like I'm even better than my little sister/brother. That was the time when i did not understand why. Years past by, i reached the age of 13, and i was still jealous at that time, when my mom noticed that i was jealous, she told me why they spend more time on my little brother/sister. And that's the time that i understand why they spend more time on my little brother/sister, it's because they gave their love, caring, and time on me also when i was a baby. And their i learned that being jealous or greedy is not the answer but, understanding is the answer.