sent and app of the room. Mr. Little droned on and on and on about the Mexican war Someone near her whispered, and there was the rustle of paper. The slow tick or the clock sounded ike someone striking an anvil with a hammer would this day ever and What / Have Learned Setting is the time and place for when and where of the story is usually introduced during the beginning of the story There are several aspects to consider 1) Place where is the action of the story taking place? 2) Time - when is the story taking place? 3) Weather conditions - Is it rainy, sunny stormy, etc? 4) Social conditions - What is the day of the characterse? Does the story contain local ma isms, customs, te of a particular place? 5) Mood or atmosphere - What feeling is created at the beginning of the story? Character - The person or things who take part in the story • Hero/Protagonist - Clear center of story, all major events are important to this character​