MAGICAL919GO MAGICAL919GO Filipino Answered Directions: Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is true and if not,replace the underlined word to make it correct.__________ 1. Filipino animators are also able to provide graphics for Filipino cartoons and animation.___________ 2. Pinoy animation is a body of original cultural and artistic works and styles applied to conventional Filipino storytelling.___________ 3. Career opportunities emerged for creative Filipinos via the field of animation.___________ 4. The Animating Council of the Philippines Inc. (ACPI) is a nonstock, nonprofit organization that aims to create an identity for the Philippines within the animation industry.__________ 5. The showpiece of the ACPI is Imahenasyon, an annual festival and competition featuring the works of Filipino animators.___________ 6. The ACPI grants the annual “Outstanding Emerging Artist in Animation Award” for outstanding young and fast rising cartoonist and animators in the country.___________ 7. The Philippine Animation Studio Inc. (PASI) was established in 1981 and has since collaborated on numerous animation project and series with foreign partners.___________ 8. PASI was tapped by a children’s entertainment company based in Sydney, Australia and won the best Animation Category in the 2012 Pixel Awards for the movieGroove High.___________ 9. In 2008, Dayo: Sa Mundo ng Elementalia, was the country’s first all-digital full-length animated feature film.___________ 10. The first Filipino full 3D animated film is RPG Metanoia, co-produced by Ambient Media, Thaumatrope Animation, and Star Cinema in 2010..