Q3 MAPEH 6 ART SUMMATIVE TEST NO.1 I. Write SSP if the statements tells about SilkScreen Printing; and HTPP if the statement tells about Heat Transfer Paper Printing. (Answers Only) ___1. A squeegee is used to push the ink through the silk screen. ___2. Flat iron can be used to transfer the printed design to the t-shirt. ___3. These printing process needs a textile paint. ___4. This process of t-shirt printing is easier than silkscreen printing. ___5. In this print making, one needs a hot press so that the design on a paper will stick on the desired t-shirt to be printed on. ___6. A screen is coated with emulsion for light exposure. ___7. Expose the printed the printed t-shirt to sunlight or air dryer also can be used to let it dry. ___8. A design is printed on a transparency. ___9. Mesh is fixed on a frame with the use of a gun tacker. ___10. Dark transfer paper is use for dark t-shirt and light transfer paper is used for light t-shirt Q3 MAPEH 6 ARTS SUMMATIVE TEST NO.2 I. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is not correct. ___1. The first step in transfer paper printing process is printing the image on a dark or light transfer paper. ___2. One advantages of using transfer paper in t-shirt printing is that it is relatively cheaper than SilkScreen Printing. ___3. SilkScreen Printing is messy that that of heat transfer printing. ___4. Using heat transfer is messy that that of screen printing. ___5. Materials needed in preparation of the silk screen silkscreen printing are photo emulsion, tacker and a flat iron. ___ 6. The last step is silkscreen printing is drying the newly printed by a hair dryer or by sunlight. ___ 7. The following are all materials needed in paper transfer printing. Flat iron, transfer paper and printer. ___ 8. For fast and clean In SilkScreen Printing, it is recommended that one shall use one squeegee for each color. ___ 9. In all printing processes each must be environment friend by doing the proper disposal of empty ink bottles and containers. ___10. SilkScreen Printing product is basically durable than digital printing product.​