LEANYARRABISGO LEANYARRABISGO Technology and Home Economics Answered tru or false1. Slipknot is a stopper Knot which is easily undone by pulling the tail (working tail) 2. The slip knot for knitting is the same as the slip knot for embroidery stitching 3. All knitting starts with casting on this creates loops on the needle which will become all the row of stitches 4. It is advised to leam the knit stitch before you leam the Knitted Cast on and Cable Cast On 5. Shipknot start by making a loop with the yam. 6. Before you start to cast on, make a tail at the end of the yarn 7. Take the needle in your right hand. Place it on top of the yam between your thumb and pointer hinger 8. In knit cast on, make a slip knot and put it on your thumb 9. Once you have two stitches casted on, take your right needle and put it in between the four stitches by bringing it under the left needle 10. It is recommended to leam the Single Cast On and Longtail Cast On techniques first in knitting