III. DIRECTIONS: In three to five sentences, express your opinion on the issue about the restriction of residents aging 18 and below and 65 and above to go out from their homes Make your own title. (10 points) ​

Sagot :


In my own opinion,The restriction of residents aging 18 and below and 65 and above to go out from their homes is appropriate and beneficial for the citizens during the pandemic. Minors and senior citizens are more susceptible to diseases or viruses so it is better if they just stay in their homes. In case there is no other reliable family member to go out of the house for shopping necessities such as food.The government can create programs that will help them in meeting their daily needs


Respect my answer please. Sa mga gusto po magpasagot ng module pwede niyo po ako itext 09367153959. 10-30pesos per module Lang po. Elementary to high school students ☺️