Sagot :
350 years, the Philippines was colonized by Spain and the United States. The Philippines became
a sovereign nation in 1946 yet, fifty years later, colonial teachings continue to oppress Filipinos
due to their colonial mentality (CM.) CM is an internalized oppression among Filipinos in which
they experience an automatic preference for anything Western—European or U.S. American—
and rejection of anything Filipino. Although Filipinos show signs of a CM, there are Filipinos
who are challenging CM by engaging in Philippine art. Philippine art is defined as Filipinomade visual art, literature, music, and dance intended to promote Philippine culture. This
research project analyzes the Philippine art community and discovers that those involved in the
Philippine art community are conscious of how colonialism dictates standards today. They also
actively challenge colonial affects by creating and/or supporting artists whom promote Filipino
cultures. However, Philippine art’s ability to decrease CM among Filipinos is not evenly
accessible among classes.