How will you convince the young filipino citizens that online learning still an effective learning modality?​

Sagot :


the most important to the life of every Filipino is the education of every child in the family. Education is one thing that cannot get from us. It is a very important factor in the life of every Filipino for them to succeed and have a better future ahead. It is also one of the priorities of Filipino to give the best education to their children. Parents sacrifice their personal needs just to send their children to a better school if possible and if they can afford the tuition fees and all the expenses. They work hard just to give their children a better future. Filipino believe that the only things that they can give to their children are the best education that no one can take away from them. Education is the key to success that is why Filipino parent motivates their children to finish college and be educated. In the Philippines, education is one of the priorities of every Filipino. Education in the Philippines was improved and have a high quality of learning skills. The Philippine government focus to give a higher quality of education around the country. From private schools to public schools they make sure that students would learn after the end of each year.


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