Let’s Evaluate
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer by writing the letter
of your choice on your answer sheet.
1. Propaganda techniques are used _____________________________________.
a. as figurative language.
b. as ways to inference details.
c. as persuasion motivators to perspective buyers.
d. none of the above
2. Nike uses people advertisements because they know that once
everyone has the “new” pair everyone else will buy them just because they
want to be like others. This is an example of what propaganda technique?
a. Transfer b. Bandwagon c. Name-calling d. Card stacking
3. When people try to get others to trust them because “they are just like
you.” What type of propaganda is used?
a. Transfer b. Plain folks c. Testimonial d. Glittering generalities
4. If you try to turn people around another person by calling that person a
“loser”, what propaganda technique are you using?
a. Plain folks b. Bandwagon c. Name-calling d. Card stacking
5. This advertisement is an example of what propaganda technique?
a. Transfer
b. Testimonial
c. Bandwagon
d. Name-calling
6. Is this message biased?
A. Yes B. N
If it is, what propaganda technique does it use?
A. Transfer B. Card Stacking
7. Is this message biased?
A. Yes B. No
If it is, what propaganda technique does it use?
A. Plain folks B. Testimonial
8. Is this message biased?
A. Yes B. No
If it is, what propaganda technique does it use?
A. Card stacking B. Testimonial
9. The main propaganda technique used in this ad is ________________.
a. Transfer
b. Name-calling
c. Card stacking
d. Glittering generalities
10. Can you name the technique used in this ad?
a. Plain folks
b. Bandwagon
c. Name-calling
d. Card stacking plsss help me i need answer now