1. Which of the following situation below acceleration exist?
A. point A car running at a constant speed of 60 km/hr.
B. in a straight line A bus starts from rest and reach the speed of 80km/hr.
C. A boy walking down the street with a constant speed pushing a cart
D. A father running at the maximum speed continuously to save his leg from a barking do

2. From the given statement below, when does deceleration can takes place? I. The speed of a moving object is reduced. II. The speed of an object increases III. The speed of a moving object remains the same IV. No movement exist in an object.
A. I but not II
B. II, III but not IV
C. III only
D. IV only

3. A car slows down from a speed of 72 km/h to rest in 25 seconds. What is the acceleration of the car in m/s/s?
A. 20 m/s/s
B. - 15 m/s/s
C. - 20 m/s/s
D. - 0.8 m/s/s

I need answers in 2:30 pm
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