1. In color industry, in the manufacturing of perfumes etc.

2. In liquid state it is used as LPG fuel.

3. As laboratory's reagent, in the form of vinegar, in making sauces and jelly etc.

4. In the form of solvent, in dry cleaning, by mixing it with petrol and used as fuel of engines etc.

5. It is used as anesthesia, solvent, coolant, in the production of alcohol etc.

A. Benzoic Acid
B. Benzene
C. Glucose
D. Butane
E. Benzaldehyde
F. Ether
G. Formaldehyde
H. Polysterene
I. Acetic acid
J. Phenol
K. Acetone

6. It is used in the making drugs, as preservation of fruits juices etc.

7. In making a bug spray, in fixation of gelatin fill on the photographic plates, in making waterproof cloths by blending it with outside whitely portion.

8. Is utilized to produce caps of bottles of corrosive, in making the body of the collector cells etc

9. Used in making varnish, cordite, Clodion cellulose, artificial silk, manufactured elastic, sulphonyl, chlorodyne, chloroform, iodoform etc.

10. In making different types of wine, in sweets and preservations of fruits ices, medicines like gluconate

pasagot po nonsense report​

Sagot :


1. coal tar

2. liquified petroleum gas

3. acetic acid

4. benzene

5. f.

6. sodium benzoate


a. methane ·

b. methyl alcohol ·

c. ethyl alcohol ·

d. formaldehyde ·

e. acetone ·

f. glycerol ·

g. acetaldehyde ·

h. acetic acid.

i. ether

j. phenol

8. polystrene

9. aceton

10. Abstract

Functional foods are foods that provide positive health effects apart from the provision of essential nutrients. Along with nutraceuticals, they represent the top trends in the food industry. Fruit wines are considered functional foods. When assessing the fruit wine quality, a wide range of descriptors are taken into consideration, namely physicochemical and sensorial properties of fruit wine. Furthermore, within the context of the new food products development (e.g. functional products), functional properties of fruit wines are also taken into consideration. Functional properties are determined by the content of the biologically active components, such as polyphenols, vitamins and micro- and macrominerals. It is also important to consider the food-safety issues regarding the fruit wines consummation, that is, the presence of pesticides, mycotoxins and biogenic amines in different fruit wines. This chapter aims to give an overview of various factors used to evaluate the quality and the functional properties of fruit wines.