Directions: Break the number codes to discover what the topic is all about.
Each number in the code signify a letter's order in the alphabet,
example; 1=A, 2=B, 3=C.
1. 23-1-22-5=
2. 20-18-1-14-19-22-5-18-19-5 23-1-22-5-19=
3. 12-15-14-7-9-20-21-4-9-14-1-12 23-1-22-5-19=
4. 19-21-18-6-1-3-5 23-1-22-5-19=
5. 22-5-12-15-3-9-20-25=
6. 1-14-16-12-9-20-21-4-5=
8. 6-18-5-17-21-5-14-3-25=
9. 13-5-3-8-1-14-9-3-1-12 23-1-22-5-19=
10.5-12-5-3-20-18-15-13-1-7-14-5-20-9-3 23-1-22-5-19=