Directions: Choose one pattern from the box that best matches the statement.
Write letter of your answer on the space provided.
A. Persuasion B. Narration C. Description D. Problem-Solution
E. Comparison and Contrast F. Definition G. Exemplification
H. Cause and Effects I. Division and Classification J. Process Analysis
___________1. On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 spacecraft launched from the
Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Its mission was to go where no human being had
gone before—the moon!
___________2. In their code of ethics, doctors have the responsibility of saving lives,
not destroying them, which is why euthanasia can never be acceptable.
___________3. First, using alternative sources of energy such as solar energy and
fusion energy would lessen pollution.
___________4. Although Instagram and Twitter have significant similarities, they
also have striking differences.
___________5. Euthanasia or mercy killing has been a widely debated issue.
___________6. Drinking cough syrup may lead to various side effects.
___________7. Dictionary is a book containing an alphabetical list of words and their
___________8. There are basically two ways to make a web page. The first way is to
create the page(s) offline and then upload them to online via your Internet Service
___________9. A computer language used for creating web documents can be
classified according to its purpose.
__________10. One of the downsides of internet is phishing.