True or False

1. The Guess and Check is a problem-solving strategy that can be used to solve mathematical problems by guessing the answer and then checking that the guess fits the conditions of the problems.

2. A probability tree diagram shows all the possible events. The first event is represented by a zigzag line.

3. Cumulative frequency "greater than" (>CF) is obtained by adding the frequencies successively from the lowest to the highest interval.

4. Pictograph show trends over a period of time and is effective for continuous variable.

5. Histograms uses bars to represent the frequency of numerical data that are organized into intervals.

6. There can often be a "best" measure of central tendency with regards to the data you are analyzing, but there is no one "best" measure of central tendency.

7. The median is the least used of the measures of central tendency and can only be used when dealing with nominal data.

8. The measure of dispersion shows how scattered the data are. It tells the variation of the data from one another and gives a clear idea about the distribution of the data.

9. The normal distribution is a probability function that describes how the values of a variable are distributed. It is an asymmetric distribution where most of the observations cluster around the central peak and the probabilities for values further away from the mean taper off equally in both directions.

10. The normal distribution is important because of the Central limit theorem.