G. Text H. Video F. Audio - 4 A. Recount C. Procedures E. Descriptions 1. Animation B. Explanations D. Narrative J. Picture/graphic D.Narrative_1. This type of text aims to entertain, amuse, or instruct through fictional and non-fictional works. Chocedures 2. This text type teaches us how to do something through a series A. Recourt 3. This text type refers to retelling a series of events which may a either be factual or personal. 1. Animation. This refers to moving images that provide audio and visual experience to the viewers. B. Explanahars_5. This text type provides information on how or why something happens. H. Video 6. This multimedia resource comes from images that are initially drawn and photographed in succession to make them appear as if they are moving. G. text 7. This refers to written or printed characters, letters, and symbols used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs. F. Audio 8. This pertains to recorded or transmitted sound E Recriptions 9. It is a text type that presents the characteristics or features of a thing or a phenomenon. J. Picture/graph 10. It is one of the oldest forms of media which uses images to represent someone or something. II. Directions: Classify each multimedia as text, audio/sound, photograph/graphics, video or animation. Write your answer in the space provided.

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