true or false 1. it's advisable to extract mp3 from cds or dvds and share it with your friends or sell it to them 2. license agreements allows the software to run on a limited number of computers and allows copies to be made the solely for backup purposes 3. software licensing is the legal right to run or the privilege given to you by a company to access their application or program 4. microsoft programs that are solid in sidewalk seems to always be a good buy 5. microsoft windows is one of the well-known examples of proprietary software 6. a license agreement governs the use of licensed software 7. you are contributing to the rate of piracy worldwide if you buy rights on media software 8. it's legal to use torrent to be able to download the latest movies 9. proprietary software is computer software which the legal property of one party 10. by using licensed software you are able to contribute to the further development of the program you are using​