Sagot :
By making a positive contribution to environmental protection and natural resource management, the military component of peace operations can help shape the overall post-conflict situation and determine how future peace operations will be perceived
1. Ditch Bottled Water
Any person reading this has probably used a plastic water bottle at some point—and for reasonable purposes! Bottled water can be convenient and easy to consume, but the waste produced from those plastic bottles is profound
Right now, our planet is consuming one million plastic bottles a minute, with only nine percent of those bottles ever getting recycled. In addition to leftover plastic being wasted, significant amounts of oil, energy, and resources, not to mention the emissions of transporting those bottles of water – help contribute to the pollution of our world and neighborhoods as well.
2.Buy Local Food (Or Grow Your Own)
Whether it’s from a local farmers market or a community-supported agriculture program, getting food that’s grown close to home cuts back on transportation emissions and other effects that often come from delivering food from across the country. In fact, semi-trucks like those bringing blueberries, bananas or watermelon from other parts of the country to your local grocery store account for 11% of carbon emissions!
If locally-sourced food is hard to come by, consider working with your neighbors to start a community garden. This is a great way to extend your environmental stewardship and train others to do better for the world.