in a tale of two brothers what did the brothers do for each other?



This story happened in a little town in Pampanga a few years ago Mt. Pinatubo had erupted, sending lahar to farmlands and destroying the rice crop at the crucial time of harvest Harvest for that year did not go beyond five cavans per hectare. This was the Lowest ever in the history of the town that averaged 150 cavans per hectare in previous years. For the first time, the people feared hunger,

Two brothers. Justin and Harvey, who lived in adjacent barrios of the town were also victims of this tragic fate. That year both of them harvested only one cavan each in their respective less than one-hectare rice farm. Both got worried and were concerned for each other's sustenance.

One night, Justin who was still single, thought of his brother in the next barrio. "They have nothing to eat now, I pity my brother who has to feed his spouse and three children." he said to himself. He decided to help his younger brother Harvey. He divided his sack of rice into halves. In the middle of the night. he carried half sack of rice on his shoulders, a gift of love for his brother in the other barrio.

At exactly the same time, Harvey had another thought. "I pity my brother who until now has no one to take care of him, especially at this time of the year. I better go and give this half sack of rice to him." He then divided his harvest and carried the half sack of rice on his shoulders. In the pitch of darkness, he hiked toward the next barrio to deliver his gift of love to his older brother.

On the border connecting the two barrios, the two brothers practically bumped into each other. "Where are you going at this time of the night? asked Justin. "To your home to give you this half sack of rice. This is your share from my poor harvest. I was so worried about you," answered Harvey. Justin could not help laughing as he put down his load. 'Twas on my way to give you this half sack of rice, your share, too, from my poor harvest."

The two brothers embraced in the darkness that night as they exchanged their half sacks of rice. There were no more words needed. There were tears of joy and love welling from their eyes. This story inspires us to share our possessions with the less fortunate.