? vacuum a DIVISION OF GEN. TRIAS CITY Project ISULAT Activity Sheets a Science 7 7. Which of the following statements about the electromagnetic wave is NOT À EM waves are produced by accelerating and oscillating electrical charges. B. EM waves can transmit energy and travel at a constant speed through a C. EM waves need a medium to propagate and to transmit energy D. EM waves do not require a medium to propagate and transmit energy 8. What type of wave is produced when you move the rope up and down? A Longitudinal waves B. Transverse Waves C. Surface Waves D. Sound Waves 9. How does the energy from the sun reach the earth? A. Through ultraviolet rays C. Through electromagnetic waves B. Through infrared waves D. Through mechanical waves 10. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A. The vibrations of a transverse wave move in a direction along the direction of wave travel B. The vibrations of a transverse wave are in a direction perpendicular to the direction of travel. C. The vibrations of a longitudinal wave are in a direction perpendicular to the direction travel D. Longitudinal waves are also called surface waves. 11. How do longitudinal waves occur? A. It occurs when the individual particles of a medium vibrate up and down in the direction in which the waves travel. B. It occurs when the individual particles of a medium vibrate side by side to the direction in which the waves travel. C. It occurs when the individual particles of a medium vibrate back and forth in the direction in which the waves travel. D. It occurs when the individual particles of a medium vibrate above to the direction in which the waves travel. 12. In what way does the individual particles in the medium move parallel to the direction of travel of the wave? A. Transverse C. Electromagnetic B. Mechanical D. Longitudinal 13. What is a seismic wave that is trapped near the surface of the earth? A. Surface Waves C. Mechanical Waves B. Transverse Waves D. Electromagnetic Waves 14. Which of the following electromagnetic waves are commonly used in medical filed? A. Gamma Ray C. Radio Wave B. Microwave D. X-Ray 15. Which of the following is NOT an example of electromagnetic waves? A. Gamma Ray C. Ultraviolet Waves B. Microwave D. Surface Wave References: Asuncion, A. et al, Science 7 Learner's Material, pp 187-203​