RHANZELL3GO RHANZELL3GO Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao Answered Read the poem Faith is walking not by sight but by assurance,Forgetting my doubt and relying in His guidance.I will prepare to make and keep sacred covenants,And live with God's blessings with gratefulness and countenance.I will live my life to claim the blessing that God is with us,And I will testify that God is my shelter and my only God.He is my companion as I grow each day,And I will walk by faith, letting Him take care of my concerns all day.Divine I am in nature by inheritance,I will not let him down with my arrogance.The Spirit whispers of my mission and my individual worth,So, I seek for precious knowledge for learning and for growth.I understand the meaning of accountability,Every choice for good or is my responsibility.I want to build the kingdom and good work is the key;By doing what I know is right I show integrity.Answer the following questions based on the poem you read.1. How does the poet live his life?2. In what ways does he prove his spiritual growth?3. What does the poet continue to seek for?