Directions: Fill in the blanks with correct answer.

_________1. Refers to creative movements or isolated movements.

_________2. It is a partner dance and also a competitive dance performed socially.

_________3. It is a dance for socializing with other people like community dance.

_________4. It is a dance that portrays the nature and culture of a community or activities of a certain group of people.

__________5. It is a dance that suitable for special occasions and festivities.

__________6. It is a dance performed for religious ceremonies.

__________7. It is a dance showing an interest to the opposite sex.

__________8. It is a dance for battle and war engagement.

__________9. It is a dance that shows work and labor.

___________10. A movement interpreting or symbolizing something.

Sagot :


1. Dance

2. Ballroom Dance

3. Social Dance

4. Folk Dance

5.Ceremonial or Religious Dance

6. Occupational Dance

7. Courtship Dance

8. War Dance

9. Occupational Dance

10. Creative Dance


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