Many factors bring about change.How globalized media affect gender role? what about technology and the internet?​

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What impact has globalisation had on gender equality? This study examines the impacts of economic integration, technical change and access to information on gender inequality. It argues that not everyone is benefiting from globalisation. Women, for whom existing constraints are most binding, are often left behind. While the forces unleashed by globalisation have lifted some of the barriers to greater gender equality, public action is needed to lift these further. In particular, public policy needs to address gender gaps in endowments, agency, and access to economic opportunities.

The world has witnessed an enormous economic transformation over the past three decades, fostered by increasing global flows of goods and services, technology and information. These changes have transformed the way domestic and global markets and institutions function, and have thus changed the economic landscape for individuals, households, firms, and governments.

Globalisation has brought increased access to economic opportunities. Trade openness and the spread of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have increased women’s access to economic opportunities and in some cases increased their wages relative to men’s. Growth in export and ICT-enabled sectors, together with a decline in the importance of physical strength and a rise in the importance of cognitive skills, has increased the demand for female labour. ICT has also increased access to markets among female farmers and entrepreneurs by easing time and mobility constraints.

Several factors associated with a more global world strengthen the incentives for action toward greater gender equality:

Gender inequality is more costly in an integrated world because it diminishes a country’s ability to compete internationally—particularly if the country specialises in female-intensive goods and services.International peer pressure has also led more countries than ever to ratify treaties against discrimination.Growing media exposure and consumers’ demands for better treatment of workers has pushed multinationals toward fairer wages and better working conditions for women.

Globalisation is shifting gender roles and norms:

Increased access to information, primarily through television and the Internet, allows countries to learn about social mores in other places, which can change perceptions and promote the adoption of more egalitarian attitudes.Economic empowerment for women reinforces this process by promoting changes in gender roles and allowing women to influence time allocation, shift relative power within the household and exercise agency more broadly.

Globalisation has the potential to contribute to greater gender equality. However, in the absence of public policy, globalisation alone cannot end gender inequality. Despite significant increases in agency and in access to economic opportunities for many women in many countries, large gender gaps remain in some areas. Public action is needed to close gender gaps in endowments, agency, and access to economic opportunities. Only then will countries be able to capitalise on the potential of globalisation as a force for greater gender equality.


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