Complete the table below. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

/ New York \
Step Pattern - 1. Step L across R in Front, Step R in Place, Chasses L Sw, Step R over L in Front, Chasse R Sw
Step R across L in Front, Step L in Place, Chasse R Sw, Step L over R in Front, Chasse l Sw
Counting - 2. 1, 2, 1 and 2
/ Spot turn \
Step Pattern - 3. Same with Alemana Turn but done Sw leading to a chasse Bw
Counting - 4. 1,2
/ Alemana Turn \
Step Pattern - 5. L-Fw (Pivot Halfway Turn R), R-Fw (Pivot Halfway Turn R) leading to a Chasse L Bw
Counting - 6. 5. 1,2
/ Rock step \
Step Patter - 7. R-Bw, L-Fw L-Fw, R-Bw
Counting - 8. 1,2
/ Natural turn \
Step Pattern - 10. Male: R-Fw (with the heel), L-Fw (with a quarter turn R, on toes), R-C to L (feet then down), L-Sw (with the heel), R-quarter Bw R (with the toes), L-C to R (feel together and down)
Counting - 11. 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3
/ 3 step turn \
Step Pattern - R-Sw, R-C to L (Pivoting halfway R), R-in place (Pivoting R halfway R), L-Sw, R-C to L, L in place
Counting - 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,