there are different species of animals and plats living together in the same environment. how is this organization classified?

Sagot :


There are different species of animals and plants living together in the same environment how is this organization classified?


Who does population mean?

A population is a distinct group of individuals, whether that group comprises a nation or a group of people with a common characteristic. In statistics, a population is the pool of individuals from which a statistical sample is drawn for a study.

What does population mean in sociology?

In sociology and population geography, population refers to a group of human beings with some predefined criterion in common, such as location, race, ethnicity, nationality, or religion.

What is population in simple words?

A population is the number of living people that live together in the same place. A city's population is the number of people living in that city. These people are called inhabitants or residents. ... Usually population refers to the number of humans in a certain area.

What is population an example of?

It can be a group of individuals, objects, events, organizations, etc. You use populations to draw conclusions. An example of a population would be the entire student body at a school. It would contain all the students who study in that school at the time of data collection.

What overpopulation means?

Overpopulation refers to the exceeding of certain threshold limits of population density when environmental resources fail to meet the requirements of individual organisms regarding shelter, nutrition and so forth. It gives rise to high rates of mortality and morbidity.

What are the 3 types of population?

Individuals of a population can be distributed in one of three basic patterns: uniform, random, or clumped.

Why is population dynamic?

Population dynamics are directly affected by dispersal through the immigration of individuals into populations and by the emigration of individuals out of populations. Much of what we understand about dispersal patterns, their causes and effects comes from mathematical models.

What is the best example of a population?

A population includes all members of the same species that are capable of interbreeding within a defined area. If you define the area as Amboseli National Park, you could discuss the population of spotted hyenas within the park. If you define the area as Jaipur City, India, you could discuss the population of langurs.

What is a population give three examples?

What is a population? Give three examples. A set of measurements or counts either existing or conceptual. For example, the population of all ages of all people in Colorado; the population of weights of all students in your school; the population count of all antelope in Wyoming.

Why does overpopulation exist?

From this article, poverty is the biggest reason to cause the overpopulation, the lack of educational resources, combined with high mortality rates, which led to high birth rates, then led to a large increase in the population of poor areas.

Why are population parameters difficult?

It refers to the characteristics that are used to define a given population. It is used to describe a specific characteristic of the entire population. When making an inference about the population, the parameter is unknown because it would be impossible to collect information from every member of the population.

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