CHOICES: SIMILE, METAPHOR, PERSONIFICATION, LITOTES, METONYMY 1. Money just walked in. 2. The car seat is a fluffy cloud. 3. They do not seem the happiest couple around 4. Fear clawed at her like a savage beast. 5. The suits on Wall street walked off with our savings. 6. Tulips nodded their head in the breeze 7. Ali is a walking dictionary. 8. The ice cream was not too bad. 9. You are not as young as you used to be. 10. The sun was a gleaming pearl. 11.She is not like her mother. 12.Custard is happiness in a bowl. 13. You are not doing bad at all 14.He is the only ray of hope for us. 15. White house declared war against terrorism. 16. Your apartment is not unclean. 17.The pen is mightier than the sword 18.The car danced across the icy road. 19.He is the man of the cloth. 20. Tom was as strong as an ox.