SHEILAMENSAH4899GO SHEILAMENSAH4899GO Math Answered Learning Task 1: Round off the following decimal numbers to the nearest tenths. Write your answer on your notebook. 1) 0.15 4) 3.89 7) 0.24 2) 0.18 10) 0.08 13) 23.06 5) 6.35 8) 0.62 11) 0.09 3) 1.82 14) 15.56 6) 2.72 9) 6.25 12) 1.07 15) 18.74 Learning Task 2: Round off the following decimal numbers to the nearest whole number. Write your answer in your notebook 1) 8.15 4) 1.9 7 0.74 10) 0.58 13) 43.76 2) 0.98 5) 5.35 8) 4.62 11) 7.19 14) 95.56 3) 2.42 6) 1.72 9) 5.25 12) 9.67 15) 56.71 Learning Task 3: Fill in the blanks with the correct symbol , and = Write your answer in your notebook. 1) 8.15 8.19 4) 0.74 0.87 7) 43.70 43.07 2) 0.98 0.89 5) 0.62 0.69 8) 95.66 95.65 3) 2.42 2.72 6) 9.25 9.27 9) 56.71 56.75 5