Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following may never describe a proposition?
a declarative sentence
b. exclamatory sentence
c. either true or false
d. a period at the end of the proposition 2. What is the truth value of a true proposition?
a. True
b. False
c. cannot be determined
d. both true and false
3. Which denotes a proposition?
a. a capital letter
b. a small letter
c. an italicized letter
d. a bold letter
4. Which describes a compound proposition?
a. It is made up of simple propositions joined by logical connector/s.
b. It is neither true nor false.
c. It is an imperative sentence.
d. It is a proposition that requires the use of prepositions to form logic.
5. Which of the following is not a logical connector?
a. and
b. would
c. if-then
d. but
6. Given the simple propositions a: A person prioritizes own spiritual growth and b: One satisfies own desires. What compound proposition can be made? a. A person does not prioritize own spiritual growth.
b. One does not satisfy own desires.
c. If a person prioritizes own spiritual growth, then one satisfies own desires.
d. A person prioritizes own spiritual growth or one satisfies own desires.
7. Which denotes negation?
b. pq
d. p-q
8. Which denotes biconditional?
a pvą
d. p 4
9. Which denotes disjunction?
a. pvq
C. -P
d. pH4
10. What is a proposition that is always true?
a negation
b. tautology
c. contradiction
d. absolute
11. What is the truth value of the bi-conditional p + (qar) if p is a true proposition and both q and r, are false propositions?
a true
b. false
c. neither true nor false
d. information is insufficient
12. Which of the following propositions has a truth value of false if p is false, and q is true?
a (q − p) v (p19)
b.p (-9)
c. (p 19) + (qV p)
d. (paq) v (q0p)
13. What do you call two propositions with the same truth values?
a logically equivalent
b. tautologies
c. contradictions
d. fallacies
14. Which of the following logical equivalences is being depicted by palavr) (p1q) v (p A r)?
a. Identity Law
b. Commutative Law
c. Associative Law
d. Distributive Law
15. Which of the following are logically equivalents?
a. converse and contrapositive
b. contrapositive and inverse
c. converse and inverse
d conditional and converse