In Key of C Major, what so-fa silaba is being asked?

1. Do
2. Fa
3. Re
4. La
There are basically seven (7) so-fa syllables that are used in music, particularly the western music. The so-fa syllables are Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La, and Ti. In the items given, (1) higher Do is found on the 3rd space of the treble staff, (2) Fa is the so-fa syllable found on the first space of the treble staff, (3) Re is the so-fa syllable on the 1st space below the treble staff, and lastly, (4) La is the so-fa syllable on the 2nd space of the treble staff. Using the movable do system of identifying so-fa syllables, the key of C Major starts its lower do on the first ledger line below the treble staff and its higher do is located on the third space of the treble staff
Staff with G-clef