5 ways of conserving and protecting mangrove swamps​

Sagot :


1. Use Your Voice

Mangrove forests are 5x more effective at storing carbon than tropical rain forests and without them, CO2 levels and global heating will continue to rise. Fast.

Help educate others by sharing this blog with your friends, family and the rest of the world.

2.Plant your own mangrove tree with SeaTrees!

Each mangrove planted will:

– Provide employment for two villages on Biak Island, Indonesia

– Help protect Biak Island from storm-surges and sea-level rise

– Create a habitat for threatened species

– Sequester CO2 and help reduce global heating

3.Create Your Own Fundraiser

With the current social distancing measures, planning a fundraising may not be easy – but it’s certainly still possible! Run your own half/full marathon and get your friends and family to sponsor you.

Or why not organise a virtual bingo night on Skype or House Party and put the proceeds towards a SeaTrees restoration project?

4.identification of potential mangrove areas for declaration as national parks and sanctuaries


full protection of the mangrove flora and fauna by banning the extraction of mangrove wood from government forests