ano po ang irregular verb?

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Sagot :

Answer: irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow the normal patterns for tense and past participle. While most English regular verbs use the ending “-ed” for the past tense and participle forms, irregular verbs each have their own unique tense forms and past


Irregular Verbs

What Are Irregular Verbs?

Irregular verbs are verbs that don’t take on the regular –d, -ed, or -ied spelling patterns of the past simple or past participle .

Grammar Rules

Grammar rules VerbsIrregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

What Are Irregular Verbs?

Irregular verbs are verbs that don’t take on the regular –d, -ed, or -ied spelling patterns of the past simple (V2) or past participle (V3). Many of the irregular V2 and V3 forms are the same, such as: cut – cut, had – had, let – let, hurt – hurt, fed- fed, sold-sold

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Irregular Verb Examples

Irregular verbs are also known as strong verbs. Here are nine that are used more often than the rest. These nine irregular verb examples also happen to be among the most commonly used words in the English language. They are:










The following list of examples show how irregular verbs are used in sentences. Some sentences contain more than one example.

Go get your brother. It’s time to eat dinner.

→ In this example, all three irregular verbs (go, get, and eat) are in base form.

I want to build a sand castle like the one we built last year.

→ In this example, the irregular verb build is in base form. The irregular verb built is the past simple form of “build”. When you look at the complete list of examples, you’ll notice that built is also the past participle of the irregular verb “build”.

He bet me that I couldn’t run five miles without stopping. I proved him wrong; I ran seven miles before I had to catch my breath.

→ In this example, bet is a past simple form. When you look at the complete list, you will see that all three forms of “bet” are the same. Next, in the same sentence, the irregular verb run is in base form. In the next sentence, ran is the past simple form of “run” and had is the past simple form of “have.” Meanwhile, catch is base form.

I awoke to find that a spider had bitten me. Although the wound didn’t bleed, it itched terribly.

→ In this example, the irregular verb awoke is the past simple form of “awake.” Bitten is past participle form of “bite” and bleed is base form.

Let’s drink some of this lemonade. I drank some yesterday and found it delicious.

→ In this example, the irregular verb drink is in base form. Drank is the past simple form of “drink,” and found is the past simple form of “find.”