the life of frog during drought​

Sagot :


Frogs and toads survive droughts by burrowing into soil. Those frogs will spend their days hunting insects and their nights serenading mates. They have to work fast, for there is no guarantee the pond will stay wet. If the pond begins to dry, they will retreat into the mud until the next time the pond receives runoff.



Droughts are survived by frogs and toads burrowing into soil. A neighboring stock pond has been dry for more than a year, and it's probable that some frogs are hiding in what was formerly the pond's bottom. Based on previous dry years, the next time water covers the pond's bottom, a chorus of frogs song will be heard soon after.

Those frogs will spend their days chasing insects and their nights serenading their partners. They must act quickly because there is no assurance that the pond will remain moist. If the pond begins to dry out, they will retire under the muck until the next time the pond receives drainage.

While frogs and toads' capacity to endure droughts is impressive, their life cycle is much more interesting. They hatch from eggs in a puddle or pond. These hatch into tiny tadpoles with no legs and only a tail for movement. They get oxygen from their aqueous surroundings via fish-like gills. They eventually develop legs, shed their tails, and emerge from the water as fully mature frogs or toads.

The stages of the life cycle of a frog.